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news from the Radstock network

God Is Preparing Us: Mongolia Update

Posted by Radstock Ministries on

Pastor Oggie and Navchaa Yoshua and their son, Ashid, from Mongolia, are just over halfway through a 2-year sabbatical hosted by Aigburth Community Church, in Liverpool, UK. We checked in with them to capture some of what they’re learning.

Unsurprisingly, being out of his native Mongolia has sharpened Oggie’s focus on what strengths Mongolian churches have to offer others.  “God is preparing us…”

Read on to learn from this seasoned church planter, pastor and national leader.



Q1. You are meeting weekly with Steve Palframan, the pastor of Aigburth Community Church, to study the Bible and discuss theology. How has that changed you?

 Besides some informal “what’s on my mind” discussion, we have also been going through the leadership books in the Bible, such as Titus and Timothy. It’s been very productive to help me think through church leadership and structure, and how that works out in daily leadership practices in the local church.


Q2: Most Mongolian churches are one generation or less in age - what are the needs you see for developing Biblical literacy and maturity in Mongolian churches?

Oggie: There is a need of translation of theological books and then teaching that theology, all of which will help Mongolian churches to mature spiritually and have deeper theological understandings. This will also help them guard against wrong teachings and preachings, which can easily come into a young church.


Q3: What would a healthy partnership between Mongolian and foreign churches look like?

Oggie: It starts with listening to each other, in order to understand and acknowledge each other’s passion and vision. It works when neither church becomes either dominant or deeply dependent. Mature foreign churches need to be willing to listen and learn how God is working in young Mongolian churches.


Q4: What do you see in Mongolian churches which would bless churches in other countries?

Oggie: The unity within Mongolian churches, with no denominational divisions, make it possible for us to come together in mission conferences and national prayer events.  The task is great and we’ve learned to work with each other, despite the usual differences between churches and denominations.


Q5: How can Radstock churches help in sending Mongolian missionaries and church planters to hard places?

Oggie: Mongolian churches will be blessed by what I call "non-stop brotherhood relationships”. Emotional, spiritual, physical, educational support is vital when sending missionaries or church planters. Also partnering to send Mongolian missionaries and church planters as equal members of mission and church planting teams with those from from other countries would be a great help.


Q6: When we last checked in with you (May 2020), you said that you expected God to give you new ideas during your time of rest. Do you have any you feel free to share?

Oggie: God is giving us a new idea towards International ministry and we feel that He is preparing us for it.


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