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news from the Radstock network

New Workers and Opportunities to Serve

Posted by Kara Callaghan on


Back in March, Aigburth Community Church in Liverpool hosted the Radstock Round Table where we heard from Oakhill lecturer Dan Strange and from projects from across the Radstock Network. The huge number of Aigburth’s members joined for a fish and chip dinner one night and their church’s enthusiasm and vision for mission was obvious and infectious. Since that time, Aigburth has approved sending one of their families, the Grindeys, to Gjilan, Kosovo to be part of the local church Darania Evangelical Church.

Rich, Naomi and their two boys will leave this August to serve alongside pastor Paulin Veleçiku, his wife Violetta and their church as they seek to serve and love the community in Gjilan. We’re encouraged and inspired by Aigburth’s selfless and generous sending of the Grindeys and by their understanding of global mission being what ordinary Christians and ordinary churches do!

God also provided another worker this past spring. A young woman (name withheld for security reasons) was sent by her church in Canada to be part of a church planting team in the Balkans in a predominantly Muslim city. God provided generously for her as she prepared to go and we’re excited to see how God will use her gifts as part of this team and in this context. 

Would you pray for these new workers? Give thanks for this provision! Pray for the Grindeys as they leave their home and community in Liverpool and develop new friendships and learn a new language in Kosovo. Pray for this young Canadian woman as she adjusts to a new context and takes up her role in the multi-national church planting team. 


This week, Brian Jose, Radstock's Executive Director, met with a couple who are praying about joining a church planting team in the Balkans with a commitment to long-term to mission generally. They're grappling with where and who to serve.  As they discussed the possibilities and reflected on the hard ground in some of the contexts we work, they said "If we spend 20 years sharing the gospel with people who have never heard, and we see just one person follow Jesus, that would be worth it.  Just one."  We are praying for more workers who share that vision.  Might that be you?

We are always looking for new workers. For a list of opportunities to serve click here. If you or someone you know is interested in exploring being sent by your church to be part of a church planting team, or if your church is interested in partnering with new mission opportunities, contact us. There are lots of opportunities and the need is great!


Tags: opportunities, serve, workers


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