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news from the Radstock network

A Muddle into a Morass

Posted by Gareth Davies on

A Radstock commentator shares his latest thoughts on the crisis in Ukraine. The full article can be found here. Please read it to inform your prayers! Donetsk... eastern Ukraine, August 1997... A UK Radstock-affiliated church has a team of nearly 30, mostly young people, serving a...

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Tags: ukraine, crimea, russia

Opportunities in Russia

Posted by Amy Tyson on

How can your church get involved in blessing areas of southern Russia?  Prayer is essential and financial support is always helpful, but here are some other opportunities to consider: A three month pastorate in a university city, starting in September 2014, while the pastor goes on...

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Tags: serve, russia, micro-enterprise development, english teaching

Thoughts on a Bombed City

Posted by Amy Tyson on

Volgograd Central Train Station was attacked by a suicide bomber on the 29th of December, 2013, killing 16 and injuring 50. One Radstock member shares some thoughts following his recent visit. At the time of my visit, it had been less than a month since the twin suicide attacks on the central...

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Tags: russia, suffering, prayer

christmas in the forest (english version)

Posted by Peter Walters on

News and photos have just arrived from the cafe church in the Urals of their Christmas celebrations. Praise be(!) for all God is doing there...

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Tags: church planting, russia

christmas in the forest (russian version)

Posted by Peter Walters on

English version here У нас был сегодня Рождество концерт для детей...

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Tags: russia, church planting

what are we planting? (part 1)

Posted by Peter Walters on

Posted by Paul Williams 'What are we planting?' is a question I often find myself asking when it comes to church planting and cross cultural mission. What is it that we carry with us into, for want of a better description, 'receiving cultures?' This question might apply as much to church...

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Tags: russia, mongolia, cross-cultural mission, church planting

turning to Christ in tatarstan (russian version)

Posted by Sergey Bogdanov on

Автор Сергей Богданов (English version here) Одна нашем церквям в...

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Tags: russia, tatarstan

turning to Christ in tatarstan (english version)

Posted by Sergey Bogdanov on

A church in Tatarstan reports on a recent baptism celebration, in a context where most new believers come from a Muslim background.

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Tags: tatarstan, russia

new website launched!

Posted by Peter Walters on

Posted by Paul Williams Ruslan and Svetlana Andreychenko are pleased to announce the launch of their new website. Here you can see information on all aspects of the ministry of their church in north Mongolia (including prison work and outreach among needy children), and their longer-term vision...

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Tags: russia, mongolia, cross-cultural mission, church planting

'come over and help us...' (russian version)

Posted by Peter Walters on

Переводчка Наталия Петрина, Дом Жизни (English version...

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Tags: mongolia, church planting, russia, cross cultural mission


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