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news from the Radstock network

Christ, Our Shared Treasure

Posted by David and Brittany Niccotra on

By David and Brittany Niccotra of Sterling Park Baptist Church, Sterling Virginia USA This was the first Round Table that we both were able to attend.  It was special, to say the least. As we have talked about our time there in Ukraine and the impact it has made on us there are 3...

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Tags: kiev round table, what is a round table

An Enemy of Global Mission: 2. Building Programs

Posted by Brian Jose on

By Brian Jose, Radstock's Executive Director Last year I had a great two-hour visit with a pastor and a missions advocate in a church, thanking them their continuing support of our work over a decade. They were excited about converting a facility they had just bought into a church and...

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Tags: budget, support, finance for mission

Explore God's Will for You and Your Church in Relation to Mission

Posted by Martin Fleetwood on

I am not a pastor, a member of a missionary committee or someone who has gone overseas on a mission trip. Maybe I am not typical of the people who generally attend the Radstock Round Tables. I am, however, a member of a church that is committed to mission and I do support it...

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Tags: kiev round table, what is a round table

Lighting a fire

Posted by Nonni Björnsson on

By Nonni Björnsson of Loftstofan "The Upper Room" Church) in Reykjavik, Iceland The Radstock Round Table held in Kyiv, Ukraine in October 2016 was my first Round Table event and I have to say it had much more impact on me than I expected. I want to start by saying that what...

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Tags: kiev round table, what is a round table

An Enemy of Global Mission: 1. Strong Management

Posted by Brian Jose on

By Brian Jose, Radstock's Executive Director I know. I get it. We want excellence and good leadership. Heck, I’m was even talking last week to a strategic planning consultant. But I’m aware of the dangers — that I can over-manage our mission into irrelevance. Tim...

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Tags: coaching, mission strategy, mobilize workers, moblise workers

A Glimpse of Heaven


Posted by Alan Giles on

By Alan Giles, Pastor of Ekklesia HD in Apple Valley, California USA A couple of weeks ago I had the great privilege of participating in my first ever Radstock Round Table in Kiev, Ukraine. I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea what I would see, hear, learn or walk away...

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Tags: kiev round table, what is a round table

There is No Zero-sum Mentality in the Kingdom of God

Posted by Kevin Chen on

by Kevin Chen, Pastor: Christ Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Before the Trip Over the summer, Brian Jose, the Executive Director of Radstock, and I caught up for coffee in Ann Arbor. During our meeting, he invited me attend the Radstock Round Table in Kiev, Ukraine. I thought...

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Tags: kiev round table, what is a round table

Europe’s Backdoor for Drugs, Sex Trafficking, Jihadism—and the Gospel

Posted by Brian Jose on

Brian Jose, Radstock's Executive Director, writes on Albania - Europe's Backdoor for Drugs, Sex Trafficking, Jihadism - and the Gospel on the Gospel Coalition's website.  Read here.  

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Tags: albania

5 steps on how to reach University students in the post-modern world (of Ukraine)

Posted by Max Tikhonoff on

How can we reach out to the University students in Ukraine? Our evangelistic cross-cultural student summer camp has turned out to be very successful ministry for several years and for several churches in Ukraine. Why was it successful? The answer can be packed into 5 critical points. Those fit...

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Tags: kiev, students, ukraine

Why Church Should Be Local

Posted by Steve Palframan on

Writing in 1933 German geographer Walter Christaller came up with a theory called “Central Place Theory”. His idea was to provide an explanation for the distribution of services and people around cities. Now Christaller was a clever chap and it’s over 20 years since I studied...

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Tags: church, local

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