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Andy Upton is the pastor of Knighton Evangelical Free Church in Leicester. He spoke on Friday morning on Matthew 6:10.
Introduction: No one finds prayer easy. Some have learned to delight in it and enjoy it. But it’s never easy. Why?
One reason is that we don’t believe that it works. Other things seem more immediately productive.
Yet Jesus tells us to pray for the coming of God’s kingdom and the doing of his will.
The question for us is: do you believe God hears and answers that prayer?
Suggestion: Print out the Lord’s Prayer on a sheet of A4 and annotate it as you pray.
What is God’s kingdom?
-This is a major theme (think: John the Baptist in Matthew 3, the sending of the disciples in Matthew 10)
Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel is puffed up with his own glory. He is humbled until he realizes that “heaven rules”.
That’s the kingdom, heaven ruling. The kingdom comes near in the person of Jesus.
Three ways to pray for the kingdom to come:
Look forward – praying with the return of Christ in mind.
Look around – praying with the world in mind.
Look in – pray for yourself.
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