Watch this video to hear Andrea's heart for reaching the Roma people of the village of Morava in Albania. Many of the villagers can't read or write. The growth of their faith is "interrupted." or slow because of this. Can you help reach the youth and families of Morava? Will...
Police reprisals, blocked email accounts, restrictions on churches, huge “closed to foreigners” regions. That was the Myanmar (aka Burma) I visited five years ago. The church was working hard, but the government was forcing them to drag a ball and chain around.
I met one Radstock...
The ongoing work of “Project Samos,” one of Radstock’s priority projects in a particularly sensitive part of the world, needs your continuing prayers. Here’s the latest update:
We are very heartened to see the 6 intrepid pastor-evangelists taking gospel initiatives in...
Wondering what a Round Table is? Watch this video to see one in action.
Consider joining either of our USA Round Tables coming up in Arroyo Grande, CA or Washington, DC.
This Christmas, are you looking for an eternally meaningful way to give? How about partnering with us to support church planting in the rapidly changing country of Myanmar?
One of our top priorities this year is to help with the development of the vision of Grace Family Church Network. Read on...
If you're located in the western part of the USA and want to learn more about Radstock, consider coming to the West Coast Round Table on Tuesday, Feb 23rd, 9am-4pm, at Grace Bible Church in Arroyo Grande, CA.
The Round Table will focus on global mission in the Balkans with...