Read the third article in the mini-series of Enemies of Global Mission.
Desiring God’s website recently posted an article by Nik Ripken called What’s Wrong with Western Missionaries. You can read it here: ...
Besi and Miriam Gorrea live with their children in Sukth, Albania, where God is using them to lead a young church. Pray that God will give then energy and enthusiasm for the work ahead!
Many of you heard about the flooding which occurred in the area surrounding Sukth Evangelical Church in the...
Gregor and his family were recently called from their home in Albania to go to a new city, to start new relationships in the hopes of creating a thriving gospel-believing church in a place with no Christian witness.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Cor 9:15
At Radstock, we are grateful for you. Our givers are faithful and generous. Our prayer supporters are bold and dedicated. As we work together to connect churches around the world for global mission, we give thanks for how God...
"Gregor is a church planter and Radstock member working in a Muslim city in the Balkans. The ground is hard and the fruit, so far, has been few. Read this encouraging update and pray with us for God to reap a harvest of faith in the Balkans."
M, the 16 year old...