Watch this video to hear an update from pastor Max Tikhonoff of church planting in the capital city of Kiev Ukraine. Radstock's next Round Table will be held in Kiev Oct 12-14, 2016. Join us!
Check out other video updates from around the Radstock network here.
We wrote about Mongolia's current winter crisis a few weeks ago. Now we want to say thank you!
Seedtime recently turned over around £2,000 ($2,830), a tidy sum in Mongolia, to the Mongolian Evangelical Alliance for its crisis appeal. All of the money came via Radstock!
Registration now closed.
Join us for the next Radstock Round Table in Kiev, Ukraine, October 13&14, 2016. We will highlight the work of Big City Presbyterian and Liberty church plant, both in Kiev.
Pastor Max Tykhonov and others from the church will share about their...
Anthony Adams, of Radstock member church Urban Life, shares "the secret" of urban mission:
I was recently at a meeting celebrating the ministry of a couple who had served in urban outreach for nearly 25 years and were about to move on to serve in new ways. Someone made the comment that people...
Watch this video to hear an update from pastor Gunnar Ingi Gunnarsson on Loftstofan, a church meeting in Reykjavik Iceland. Learn how you can pray for this new church.
Check out other video updates from around the Radstock network here.
I don't remember the first Christmas I celebrated. Albania was in her first years after Communism and I was a freshman student. We were full of dreams as the doors of the "bunker" were opened and we could breath...freedom. Freedom came with a huge cost as we shifted from a closed, isolated and...
We're thrilled to introduce Rudina Bakalli -- magazine editor, blogger, career consultant, CRU staff member, evangelist, wife, mother, televison contributor, dog walker, and more. Rudina and her family live in central Tirana, the capital of her native Albania. Look for her posts...
“We have captured the situation.” Franceska, the first believer in Sukth village, used this Albanian expression about the aftermath of the recent flood. The fine mud left everywhere -- in houses, ovens, the motors of washing machines and refrigerators, on clothes and bedding...