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The ongoing work of “Project Samos,” one of Radstock’s priority projects in a particularly sensitive part of the world, needs your continuing prayers. Here’s the latest update:
We are very heartened to see the 6 intrepid pastor-evangelists taking gospel initiatives in the face of great pressure and persecution. They display a wonderful mix of wisdom and pioneering enthusiasm as they love and serve King Jesus. It is an answer to prayer that they are now gathering together to pray and plan. Such unity is the fruit of the cross! They aim to meet 4 times a year. One exciting prayer goal of theirs is to see a church planted in a remote northern valley. Let’s make it our prayer goal too.
The 6th Gospel Partner, “Mick,” is presently at Bible College. Recent gifts to the region’s Gospel Partners Fund mean that we can now part-support him in his studies and help set him up in the area next year. If you want to know how you can support Gospel workers like “Mick”, please contact us.
“Andrew” and “Arthur” have had a particularly tough time this past 6 months.
Andrew has to move home due to continued local pressure from neighbours stirred up by the local religious leader. He needs to sell his home before he can move. “Arthur” needs to have a lower profile for a while. The death threat he received in May no doubt still stands. A recent public protest against the tiny church there has increased tensions.
Pray for the fruitful development of the emerging partnership between the local Gospel Partnership and a large mission agency working in South Asia, and thank Father that quality Bible resources in the language of the region continue to be produced. The audio-visual presentation of Genesis is being developed now! Please pray for a wide distribution of these materials here.
I am feeling constrained again to see how we can uncover, encourage and bring together the potentially many seekers/believers from this region who are now in the UK, and currently remain hidden and unknown to the church. I was told once by a secret believer that there must be hundreds of people like him in the UK. Pray the Lord will give these dear ones courage to stand and endurance to keep standing. Pray with us that these fearful brothers will learn to love and support one another.
Please do keep this pioneering work in your prayers. The need is great! If you would like to know more, or support this work, please contact us.
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