One of our Radstock partners in Kiev is in deparate need of volunteers for this summer's student outreach camps. Please consider this request and share with your church! More details in the letter below from Pastor Max Tikhonoff.
Dear friends and partners,
We desperately need the...
Reflections of the Kiev Round Table from Justin, living and working for the gospel in Macedonia.
RTs tick all the boxes!
With the next Radstock Round Table (RT) only four weeks away---and my kids out of the house for a couple hours!---I was inspired to reflect on my experience at the...
How can we reach out to the University students in Ukraine? Our evangelistic cross-cultural student summer camp has turned out to be very successful ministry for several years and for several churches in Ukraine. Why was it successful? The answer can be packed into 5 critical points. Those fit...
Yes, Kiev is big! It is home to more than 4,000,000 people, with 72 Universities and over 500,000 University students. One may think it is a church-planting paradise, and it fairly was about 15 years ago when the Soviet Union collapsed and the winds of freedom of religion blew hard over...
Radstock partners, located in Kiev, share some of the harrowing experiences of the last month. Read excerpts from their own correspondence to find out what the church in Ukraine has been experiencing, and how you can pray for our brothers and sisters there!
20th of February, 2014
Posted by Max Tikhonoff (Русская версия здесь)
When a church steps out in mission, things get dirty. But then, as Max Tikhonoff, pastor of Solomensky Reformed Church in Kiev notes below...
In September 2008, Max Tykhonov, pastor of Solomensky Presbyterian Reformed Church in Kyiv Ukraine, and one of their ministers Alex Travnikov are planning to visit U.S. to share with churches an update on their work and ministry. Their purpose is to refresh their supporting contacts and try to...