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  • Mailing Address:  24 Elmfield Road, Hyde Park, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 2BA

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  • Phone: 202.468.4571
  • Email: 
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 5188 Wheaton, IL 60189-5188



The collective mission experience of the churches in the network
Experts on many cultures, countries, ministries
Access to frontline practitioners for consultation
Tailored coaching on taking your next steps in mission
Round Table Forums developing strategy on location
Vision Trips to meet national church planters and experience mission projects in context
Mission Speakers for your church
Church Audit to assess the gifts, affinities and calling of your church
The Radstock Mission Manual, chapters include:

Auditing Your Church for Global Mission

Developing Your Church's Global Mission Strategy

Developing Your Church's Global Mission Team

Developing Your Church's Global Mission Partnerships

Envisioning the Whole Church for Global Mission

Releasing and Equipping People for Global Mission

Selecting, Sending and Supporting People Overseas

Partnering in Finance

Short-term team training
Sample Partnership Agreement
Template for Partnership Agreement
Preparation and Review for workers

Contact your closest Radstock office for more information on becoming a member to access these resources and more.  




Ukraine Revolution Paper image 

Ukraine's Revolution


All Sewn Up picture - picture of Gareth's paper
All Sewn Up:  Thoughts on the political situation in Russia.  Published Dec. 2011


 Caucasus First Page
Thoughts on the Conflict Between Russia and Georgia


Article: Russia Today - Article: Russia Today
Russia Today: A Brief Survey of Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Church


Russia - Looking Both Ways image
Russia - Looking Both Ways?  Possible impacts to future gospel work in Russia

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