new website coming soon

Radstock Ministries

Radstock is a global network of churches connected for mission

Our aim is to see mission-driven churches equipped and planted throughout the world, in some of the toughest places.

Is Your Church:
• looking to further develop its own mission strategy?
• looking to deepen its participation in mission projects?

Radstock can help.

Our aim is to see mission-driven churches equipped and planted throughout the world, in some of the toughest places.

Is Your Church:
• looking to further develop its own mission strategy?
• looking to deepen its participation in mission projects?

Radstock can help.

Welcome to our website

We will be launching a new website in 2025 with additional features and a new look. Until then you can find our essential information here, including links to give, and the opportunity to sign up for Rapport, our e-newsletter. If you would like to contact us please email [email protected]

what we do

Develop Partnerships

Create Opportunities

Coach Churches

Provide Expertise

what we do

Develop Partnerships

Create Opportunities

Coach Churches

Provide Expertise

Here Are The Ways You Can Give To Support Our Work Around The World

At this time, Radstock is able to accept gifts in three currencies. To Give Online, click the flag of the country in whose currency you'd like to give. See further details on online giving in Canada, the UK or USA.

To donate on-line to Radstock in the U.S. including via e-check, click the US flag to make a one-time gift or set up automated recurring donations.

To donate on-line to Radstock in the UK, click the UK flag to use Total Giving (name the recipient in the "Your Message" box) to make a one-time gift or set up automated recurring donations.

To donate on-line to Radstock in Canada, click the Canadian flag. Note donations are being accepted for Radstock in Canada under the name European missions. Please name the recipient of your one-time or monthly gifts in the drop down menu.

Please note, our online giving service providers will take a small portion of your gift as a handling fee. To avoid this, consider making an online bank to bank transfer (UK), PAD (Canada), e-check (USA) or give by check/cheque.

considering joining?

Download the Radstock Pack

sign up for rapport

(our e-newsletter)

considering joining?

Download the Radstock Pack

Radstock Ministries

Radstock is a global network of churches connected for mission

our vision

Mission at the heart of the local church and the local church at the heart of mission

Get in touch