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news from the Radstock network

Building Bridges: The Gospel In Context

Posted by Anthony Adams on

By Anthony Adams, Radstock Executive Director

Nowhere is culturally 

Everywhere people have ways of living: of eating, sleeping and keeping time; socialising and doing business; handling conflict and understanding reality.

The good news of Jesus transcends all human cultures and so embeds into any culture - this is part of the glory of the gospel. It means there will be points of challenge to any culture, as well as points of harmony.

Knowing this fundamentally affects how we think about mission.

As teams travel and churches partner together - from one 'somewhere' to another, with the love and message of Jesus - it will always mean thinking carefully about cultural differences.

This can be true whether we cross the world or cross the street! But it becomes more obvious and important the further we go.

The apostle Paul knew this. And he lived it, becoming "all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some" (1 Corinthians 9). He was willing to join in with cultural practices of the Jewish community on occasion and of Greek culture on another - not because he was a spineless people-pleaser, but because he did not want there to be any barriers to the gospel reaching as many people as possible. Instead, he did what it took to build bridges.

This is our theme for the 2025 Radstock International Round Table, with a particular focus on the diverse cultures of Asia.

Will you join us in Dubai next February?
We will gather to worship, listen, learn and pray together - including with partners from churches in Asian countries, rarely at liberty to travel to Radstock events. I'm praying we will grow as a network of churches connected to build bridges for the gospel, 'so that by all possible means we might save some'!


(07.00 EST / 12:00 GMT / 13:00 CET / 17:00 PKT)
Members: £320 GBP / €385 EUR / $425 USD / $575 CAD
Non Members: £340 GBP / €410 EUR / $455 USD / $610 CAD

Includes conference fee, 3 nights (26/27/28 February) at a nearby hotel + all means from lunch on 26th to dinner on 28th.

Pay in full when you book, or secure your place with a deposit
(£60 GBP / €75 EUR / $80 USD / $100 CAD)


Email  if you need more information


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