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news from the Radstock network

New church plants in Northern Virginia, USA

Posted by Mike Mckinley on

The church that I pastor is located in Northern Virginia, about a half hour outside of Washington, DC. We have a great and increasingly common mission field: our own backyard. The neighborhood in which our church is situated is about 70% immigrant, mostly Latin American and Asian Indian.

Our church helps an Indian church plant and just last week launched our second church plant for Spanish speakers. It's been wonderful for us to be able to get our hands dirty in the work of cross-cultural missions 5 minutes from our homes.

USA: Guilford 3 - Launch Spanish speaking plantUSA: Guilford 2 - Launch Spanish speaking...












Here are some pictures from last week. English speakers and Spanish speakers gathered together to go out in the streets and invite people to the new gathering for Spanish speakers. I'll post more thoughts later in the week!

USA: Guilford 1 - Launch Spanish speaking plantUSA: Guilford 4 - Launch Spanish speaking plant












Mike McKinley is pastor of Guilford Baptist Church in Sterling, VA and a trustee of Radstock. 

Tags: church planting, usa, spanish speaking


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