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news from the Radstock network

Building Bridges: The Gospel In Context

Posted by Anthony Adams on

By Anthony Adams, Radstock Executive DirectorNowhere is culturally neutral. Everywhere people have ways of living: of eating, sleeping and keeping time; socialising and doing business; handling conflict and understanding reality. The good news of Jesus transcends all human cultures...

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Getting Money Into Circulation

Posted by Anthony Adams on

By Anthony Adams - Executive Director This is no emotive year-end fundraiser. I'm writing to ask for money for the organisational costs of Radstock - and I'd be first to agree it's not the most exciting thing to write, or read about. As many of you know, Radstock runs on a tiny budget compared...

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Myanmar Reflections

Posted by Anthony Adams on

All mission is local. It just depends where you happen to be at the time. I thought about this as I was on the side of a mountain in a wood and bamboo house with a huge drop beneath and a fantastic viewacross the valley. This place seems remote to the rest of the world. Once in Myanmar there...

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Tags: myanmar, yaw people

Urban Life sees new life!

Posted by Anthony Adams on

Radstock member church Urban Life, in multi-cultural inner city Derby UK ,reports on the development of a Spanish-speaking ministry and life transformation.  by Anthony Adams Last month it was our privilege as a church community, to baptise two of our friends from Latin America who have...

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Tags: baptism, spanish, urban life

Transport and Training for Church Planters

Posted by Anthony Adams on

We previously shared one ministry opportunity open to the Radstock network  -- serving the church in Myanmar through helping our brothers and sisters there to care for orphans. You can read about that here. Now we would like to invite you to pray about and consider long term involvement in...

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Bibles and Bikes for Orphans

Posted by Anthony Adams on

The wonderful, diverse and needy nation of Myanmar has been one of our focus projects for the last number of months. There are two particular ministry needs being presented to us as a network, and they both require partnership, prayer, and long term involvement. They are: making a difference in...

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Tags: give, myanmar, orphans, pray, support

Taking the good news beyond the mountains

Posted by Anthony Adams on

I stood with our friend Tun Chaing, an indigenous missionary in Myanmar, as he looked at the mountains on the other side of the valley. He pointed out of the window of the wooden hillside house we were in, and described the villages that he visits beyond those peaks. He explained how there are...

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Tags: myanmar

What is Radstock All About?

Posted by Anthony Adams on

We get asked over and over: What is Radstock?  What's it all about? In a nutshell, we are CHURCHES CONNECTED FOR GLOBAL MISSION. There's so much packed into that little phrase. Let's break it down. CHURCHES - It is our conviction that the local church is God's mission...

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Tags: connected, local church, mission

Local Church...a Long-Term Mission Team

Posted by Anthony Adams on

At Radstock's Iceland Round Table this month, Anthony Adams preached on Radstock's Biblical Rationale.  Why ARE we so passionate about the local church in mission?  Listen here:

Radstock's Biblical Rationale seeks for mission at the heart of local church and local church at the heart of mission.

View all sermons >

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Tags: biblical rationale, church as long-term mission team, local church at heart of mission

Serve in Derby UK

Posted by Anthony Adams on

Consider this mission opportunity through the Radstock network. DERBY UK Serve as part of Urban Life - a church community in the city of Derby, England.  Check us out at www.urbanlife.church and watch this video (not made by us!) to get a feel for the...

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